Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lazy Fact #1357389205674... You Were Too Lazy to Read That Number...

It happened. The moment I've been dreading. I slipped. I tripped and fell face first into a brisket sandwich. Then on my way up, I got caught on a Nacho Bell Grande. It was ugly. Bbq sauce and Nacho cheese everywhere! It all happened over two days. First Thursday, then Friday. Me and Melody have devised us a reward system. It's one that a lot of the people on Weight Watchers use. We don't eat much on weigh-in days, and then eat a good meal after our meetings. She picks one week, then I pick the next. This week was my turn. I picked Arby's. I was thinking a good lean meat would be a sensible choice. We were both getting a little tired of chicken. I was doing good till I got out of the truck. That was my first mistake. The big picture in the window advertised it. BBQ Smokehouse Brisket Sandwich. I thought that can only be worth about 10-12 points. I have them. I haven't eaten all day! I can do this, after all I did just lose 4.4 lbs! This is the point where I should've just turned around and gotten back in the truck and drove to Subway, but I didn't. I walked right in and ordered the Sandwhich and a medium fries. Fries aren't bad either. It would only be about 6 points. In my head I justified it as a 18 point meal. I got this! This is great! I know what I'm doing, after all I just lost 4.4 lbs in one week! I'm the man! Second mistake. I listened to myself. The same brain that got me in the mess in the first place. About halfway through my meal, I decided look it up on my WW app and go ahead and track it for the day, oh the horror! I was shocked. My 18 point meal just cost me 27 points! Sandwhich was 17 and fries were 10. I felt horrible. I just made my third mistake of the night. 

The next night we were heading home and decided to eat some dinner, when we got wise. We used the app, and we each had some points to use so we decided to eat a nacho supreme at Taco Bell. I still had a few more points than Melody so I got a couple of Tacos too. I was a great meal, and I was tired and decided to wait till the next day to put in my numbers. When I put them in earlier today, I realized I got us a #5 combo, which wasn't a nacho supreme, but a Nacho Bellgrande that was worth 20 points! Wow, had I ever messed up! I had a 30 point meal! I felt horrible. 2 days in a row, I ate things I shouldn't have. 

Today I paid the price at work too. I felt sluggish and tired all day. After eating healthy for so long, and finally going back to the food I used to eat all the time it took me right back to the way I used to feel all the time. Tired, lazy, and very sluggish. I realize now the greater benefits of eating healthy. I missed having the energy. I learned my lessons the hard way this week. Never assume you know what your points will be. Look it up EVRYTIME, and always make sure you are getting what you look up.

Despite my failures, there is a bright side to all of this. After both meals, we went and worked out. I stayed active and burned off the calories that I normally wouldn't. I am also staying very upbeat about the whole situation. I messed up, oh well, it happens. I'm not perfect. I learned my lesson, and I'll use it to help me better myself. No point of beating myself up. I can't go back and change it. I've lost 24.8 lbs. in just over a month! What will I've lost after 4 months? What will I have lost after 8? All I know for certain, is this time next year, I'll be a completely different person. I think I'm encouraged more now than I have ever been since I started this journey! 

Hi. My name is Randy, and I'm changing.

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