Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

Well, the official result came in, and I gained this week. Was I upset? A little. Was it the end of the world? No, and I'll tell you why. I ate a lot this week. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. I went over my allotted points over the weekend, and even used up all my weekly extra points that I'm given. Now, your asking yourself, "isn't the whole purpose of what he's doing is to lose weight and get healthy?"  Well, yes it is, but we had a special weekend with our son, and we enjoyed our time with him. I talked about us, in a previous blog, going out to an all-you-can eat buffet last Saturday, and eating pizza that night. What I neglected to say was that I ate leftover pizza for two days after that! Talk about a train wreck! It was the first time since we started that we had really let ourselves go. To be honest with you, I'm surprised we lasted that long. We have have eaten out before and ate some wrong things when we weren't tracking properly, but this is the first time in almost 2 months we just cast aside everything and ate. 

I saw a couple of quotes earlier, and they both are great motivators. "Strength is the Product of Struggle," and "If Your Struggling, That's a Good Thing. It Means You Haven't Given Up!" Now read them as one sentence. When I put them together, it meant so much more to me! It shows me I am learning from my mistakes. It means even though I may fall, I'm not staying down, and to be honest with you, we didn't stay down. I didn't wallow in the self-pity of, " Oh No! I messed up! What's the point of me even trying?" I didn't drown in the deep end of the pool of guilt. I pulled up my big boy pants and did what I had to do. I fought back. I hit the gym harder. I pushed myself to ride a little farther, lift a little bit more, or add in some crunches at the end of my workouts. Instead of  5 nights of work outs, we went 6! The results paid off too! Yeah, I gained, but I only gained .4 lbs! I went on a big bender, but fought back and found out just how strong I can be! The best part is I learned a lot about myself. I'm learning there are more important things than the scale. There's my health, there's my family, and I've learned this week, there's my strength. The strength to fight back. Obesity has had me beat down long enough. It has hit on me for 8 rounds. Pinned me numerous times in the corner, and beat me senseless. Knocked me down and the ref has given me a nine count, but guess what? The fights not over. The 9th and deciding round is coming up and I just got my second wind! I can see out of my eyes and I can lift both of my hands. I can walk strong and lift my head up. I am breathing better than I ever have and I am ready for the bell to ring. After this round ends, it'll be my my opponent that lays battered and bruised in the middle of the ring. Obesity won't know what hit him! All he'll be wondering is how in the world did a big Mack truck get in the ring and why didn't nobody warn him it was coming? He'll roll over and as the eyes roll into the back of his head, he'll see the referee raising my hand in victory and the crowd chanting my name!

I remember hearing one of my favorite Preachers, Terry Tramel, recite a  poem once. I was young, but I've remembered it word for word since the first time I heard it over 20 years ago. I hope it'll help you as much as it has helped me.

Press On.

Press on. Press on. Press on.

Press on.

Press on, press on, press on, press on, press on. 

Press on. 

When all else fails,  

Press on.

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