When I started out 2 months ago writing about my experiences trying to lose weight, I did it to help me understand everything I was going through. I knew going into this that it wasn't going to be easy. After all, I weigh about the same amount of a Volkswagen bug, and if I laid on my back we had the same shape. When I thought about exercise, all I thought about was how much it sounded like "extra fries." I liked to joke that I had a lot of close friends. They were close because they couldn't get out of the gravitational pull. No doubt, I was huge! 451 .lbs to be exact. I was at the point I had to decide what I loved more, food or myself. I chose me. What I have learned over the last several weeks is, at that moment I chose a lot more than me. I didn't know it at the time, but I chose my wife, my kids, my family, and my friends. When I said I want to change the way I have been living, I said a bold statement. I said I want to live!
It's been an incredible experience so far, and I wouldn't change anything about it. I'm doing things I
never thought I'd do! I'm working out 5 - 6 days a week. We are getting out and seeing things for the first time. We've been to a corn maze, walked a nature trail, and even walked all over downtown Weatherford, OK. My boys have been in college for 6 years up there and this is the first time we ever got out and walked there. We went into some really nice shops and met some really nice people. Things we hadn't done in the past. We still eat out, but we've encountered a bunch of new healthy ways to do it. I still eat some of my favorite things, I just don't eat a lot of it. I eat till I'm comfortable now, not till I'm stuffed to the gills and don't want to move. I now have energy and stamina to get out and experience a lot of stuff I had been missing.
What has surprised me the most is how my attitude has been. I've had my moments of frustration, and disappointment, but those have only happened a few times. When I last did Weight Watchers I felt crabby and upset all the time. I felt like taking my food away from me was punishing me. I lost weight, but wasn't happy about it. This time around I feel very happy about what I'm doing. I actually enjoy going to the gym. Don't get me wrong. There are days afterward when I wake up and my body says,"What did you do to me last night? Why did you have to do those extra 200 weighted crunches at the end?" Most of the time though, I feel better after my work outs. I now feel like Leonardo DiCaprio on the deck of the Titanic. I want to stretch out my arms and yell, "King of the World!"
One of the things I have enjoyed the most has been my humor through this whole ordeal. The ability to sit back and see the humor in things, has always been one of my greatest gifts. I'm glad it hasn't left me. I've been trying to have fun at my meetings without people noticing what I'm up to. My wife found out first. At our meetings, we have to fill out a name badge and wear it so everyone knows who we are. About 3 weeks ago, I decided to write something different. I started with Turd Ferguson, then last week I was Sexy and I know it. This week when I went to fill it out, our Weight Watcher sponsor Nanci, asked me, "Who you going to be this week?" I laughed, and wrote down, Inigo Montoya. He has a famous quote from the movie, The Princess Bride. "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Now prepare to die!" I asked her when she noticed and she said last week. I'm not sure how many people know, but I'm sure now more people will notice.
I know everyone is waiting for an update, but I want to wait till my next blog to fill everyone in. I have my first fitness assessment Monday, and I want to wait till after that to see exactly how everything is going. Please be patient with me, and I promise it'll be worth the wait!
Have a great Halloween!