Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fat Guy on a Little Bike...

Well, as most of you heard, I joined a gym yesterday.  I was very apprehensive about it, but it was a very positive thing. When I started out I set 3 immediate goals for the first week. 1. Join Weight Watchers. 2. Join a gym. 3. Lose 10 lbs. 2nd goal accomplished. I'll see how 3rd one goes after tonight for our first official weigh-in. 

I joined Warriors Den Health and Fitness. It's close to my house, and I knew a lot  of people who went there. I wanted something familiar and at the same time not intimidating like a larger gym could be. I must say, I got the right fit. Jared Hardcastle/Owner met me at the door and gave me a big hug and welcomed me in. We talked for a while about my problems and goals and he pumped me up and got me excited for my journey. He wants to see the end results as much as I do. We walked around the gym and talked about what all I can do, and then he measured me and set to work on a plan for me. Can't wait to see it! If your looking for a great gym to join, I recommend Jared and Warrior's Den Health and Fitness.

 While he was working on that, I went back over to gym and started my first work out ever! I waddled over to the elliptical bike. I'll admit it wasn't  pretty. I put my headphones in and took off like a bat out of Hell! I was peddling fast and furious with the wind in my face and my Lemon/Lime water to quench every drop of sweat that poured from me. When I finally looked down after the dust was settled, I was out of breath, and my knees and calves burning in pain. I looked down and saw I had gone .15 of a mile! Wow. Crushing reality, but I soldiered on. I had to stop for a little bit about every .10 of a mile during first mile. It took me about 5:40 on first mile. Total time was probably about 10:00. Second mile I finished at just over 5:00 and it took me about 8:00 on it. I stopped about every .25 on that one. Won't lie. That one hurt, and I was out of breath more. When I got off my legs felt like jelly. To some of you that might not seem like much. You're like, "OMG Becky, Look at his butt! He cant go more than a 1/4 mile till he has to stop!" Well, for a 450 lb man, I feel that was a huge accomplishment. For a fat man who has never been to a gym in his life, I feel I did good today. I got to start somewhere, and today was that day! The only problem I have with the exercise thing is the running. I have never liked running. From my Jr. High days and my baseball coach, Eugene Blue, making is run laps around the baseball field, to my High School Football coach, Tony Stewart run laps around the Football field. I hated it! Wait let me stop here for there's two things I must address. 1. Tony Stewart is not the Tony Stewart of NASCAR fame, He's a short little man, who can pick back just as good as I can give it. Still love him to death! 2. If Eugene Blue heard me call him Eugene instead of Coach Blue, I'd still be running laps! Okay, back to running. Our Basketball gym was a smaller gym, so our coach, Jack Minyard, made us run extra so we wouldn't be winded when we played on the longer courts. We ran to start practice, we ran in the middle of practice, and if you didn't make all your free throws you ran even more at the end of practice on top of the sprints you already were running! So I hate running! I do like bicycles. I always enjoyed bike riding. When I was little, Me, John Davis, his Brother Bob Allen Davis, and my Friend Marley Jones, tore up the streets of Wanette, OK on our bikes. So maybe that can be my thing instead of running. Maybe I could take on Lance Armstrong one day. Well, wish me luck on the big 1st weigh in tonight. Good Night Hershel Franklin, wherever you are!

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