Thursday, December 10, 2015

There are Seven Days in a Week. Someday is Not One of Them...

While driving home last night from the gym, I talked with Melody about this video clip. Before I explain myself, let me share what's been going on. I gained last week, but only .4 lbs. Considering we finally had our Thanksgiving last weekend, I was surprised it was only that much. Too much food that I get to eat only each once a year, plus sweets around the house. I ate good, but I could've eaten better. I also found myself just getting burned out with the whole routine. Watching what I eat, working out, watching what I eat, work out, watching what I eat, work out. The whole thing was getting mundane. I found myself not going to the gym for a whole week! I just wanted to come home and relax. Thoughts raced through my head. "Other people are losing weight without working out." "You're tired. rest awhile." "One piece of candy can't hurt." My mind started winning the war against my body again. 

I had to find a way to fight back. I called my trainer, Jared, and asked him to switch things up. My son gave my wife a new power cooker for Christmas, so we've been cooking some better, healthy meals. My workout went great Monday, but sometime Tuesday afternoon, my right ankle started hurting. I'm not sure what happened, but it has been hurting ever since. As much pain as I was in, I went to the gym to do cardio and rode 10 minutes till the pain finally forced me to stop. Wednesday night at the gym I started doing my resistance training, when I started having trouble. The lack of coordination I have was stopping me from doing back lunges. No matter how I tried it felt awkward and I was off balance. I hadn't done a lunge like that in almost 20 years! I persisted on though. As much as my body was wanting me to quit, I couldn't do it! I couldn't cheat myself from giving it my all. Even through all the pain I was having in my ankle, I felt I'd be letting myself down and all the accomplishments I've achieved would be for nothing if I quit or cheated.

This is when I started thinking of this video while working out. I told her I didn't want to be like that little overweight kid. As cute as he was when they take off, he tries his best, but when he sees he is so far behind everybody, he turns around and tries cheating to win. When the dust has settled and at the end of the video, where does that little boy end up? Last of the line. Last place. The bottom. The very end! He gave it an effort, but not his best. He tried to cheat, but still wound up last. I don't want to be that! I want to give it my best effort! If I come in last, who cares? I tried my best! That all that matters. If I cheat myself, and don't eat right, or cutting short my workout routines, I'm going to end up last every time! I told her I want to win. I want to get there! I know eventually, I won't be last. I will gradually move up, and as I do, you better watch out! 

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